I didn't take the time to read it because it was taking for ever to load on my connection, but here you go. http://www.instructables.com/id/Windows-
I honestly recommend you download a version of Ubuntu / Linux for netbooks, as they aren't going to limit you from ANYTHING, and Linux is open source and free.
Heres a link for Ubunutu for netbooks. Note: You are going to need to get an external dvd drive since you have a netbook, or you can just put the installation on a flash drive. And, might I tell you, there are only 3 viruses out there that have been known to vitally harm a Linux OS, compared to millions of Windows, and thousands of Mac?
If you need any help installing it, feel free to email me at myskillzownu@gmail.com
It really is time to drop Windows with all of their god damn limitations...
Hope I helped!