My mom went on my MacBook and ended up changing the setting of my Finder somehow. Now there is no search area, and the contents don't even fit in the box that comes up upon opening. I like the way it was originally but can't get it back through any of the setting options that come up under view. Is there any way to change it back?How do I change Finder on a MacBook to how it was originally?sorry, i don't have a mac, but i have used one. the window structure is much like the one that windows uses (in fact, there was a lawsuit about it a long time ago)
look around on the window . the search box may still be there, just dragged over so that it's hidden. also, try right-click on the top of the window, and look for something similar to 'search bar'
also, it's possible that you're talking about the window size changed. to resize it, there is a small irregularity in the bottom-right corner of the window (looks like diagonal lines). click and drag that to make the window size change