For years I've been doing the same things, same job I don't like, same terrible organisational skills, well I suppose it's just routine but this year I'm planning on going to University (I've got a young family as well) and I've got to hold down a job at the same time. I won't be successful if I don't shape up in terms of organisational skills and time keeping, but I don't know how to change my own bad habits and sticking to the changes. Any advice? Thank you.How to initiate change in your life and stick to the changes?A strong will
and a good motivation
Good luckHow to initiate change in your life and stick to the changes?KEEP A PHOTO OF YOUR FAMILY ON YOU AND WHEN YOU START TO DO ONE OF YOUR BAD HABBITS OR BREAK ONE OF YOUR CHANGES LOOK AT IT, THIS WILL REMIND YOU OF WHY ITS SO IMPORTANT TO STICK TO WHAT YOU'VE STARTED. GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY NEW YEARHow to initiate change in your life and stick to the changes?Break down your goals into steps that can be accomplished daily. One step at a time. Then when things get overwhelming, you are able to step back and know that it may take a long time, that you are making progress one day at a time. This has completely helped me out of my depression. One little thing at a time. Believe it or not, it all started with cleaning. I cleaned out my garage, it took me two weeks, but when it was done, I was able to move onto other parts of the house. One small accomplishment leads to another. I'm going back to school now! This has been one change, one thing at a time for the past year. First organizing the space that I live in, and then onto the bigger parts of my life, such as work and school.How to initiate change in your life and stick to the changes?keep on struggling...keep on trying to change.
your problem is shared by so so many people...and the ONLY difference between those who succeed and those who fail, is EFFORT.
true, things aren't always going to work out the WAY you like or even WHEN you like. but THAT is precisely when you have to dig your heels in and confront the struggle.
imagine never having been an athlete, and suddenly training for a marathon. all sorts of things in your life have to change, and it starts with your state of mind. your thoughts are what provoke your words...and your words are what provoke your deeds.
so if you THINK positive thoughts, that can push you to SPEAK positive words into your own life. if you then continue to SPEAK positive words, that will push you to DO positive things.
so a person training for a marathon has to first make up her mind that she is prepared for the trials and tribulations that her body is about to go through.
then she has to REAFFIRM encouraging words to herself. look in the mirror and remind yourself that even tho it's going to be really rough sometimes, you CAN still press on.
Finally, she has to DO what she thought and said she would do.
before she knows it, she can turn around and look back to where she started and realize that despite the hard times and struggles...even if she only ran 5 miles, it's 5 miles MORE than she ever ran. THAT is all the motivation you need to keep on going.
Life isn't easy for anyone. just remember to embrace the valleys as well as the hilltops...because there's no progress without struggle.