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What would change if nobody adhered to, believed in, or taught EVOLUTION as the explanation of human origins?Lightning from the East continues to lie. Present the evidence for a god and show that one exists and everyone will have to accept it. But the fact of the matter is you can't present evidence for any gods, because none exists.Report Abuse
What would change if nobody adhered to, believed in, or taught EVOLUTION as the explanation of human origins?Well, medical care based on Biology and science would cease to exist and we'd all be less healthy because of belief in fantasy.... as a start...What would change if nobody adhered to, believed in, or taught EVOLUTION as the explanation of human origins?If the creationists were to win the argument, by implication that would mean that they had demonstrated beyond any shadow of a doubt the existence of a creator. I think the main change is that church / mosque / temple / synagogue attendance would go up!I would strongly disagree that determining our origins is irrelevent. It may be irrelevent to you but for some of us, theist, atheist and agnostic alike, the question of what we are and where we came from is the most important thing we will ever think about.What would change if nobody adhered to, believed in, or taught EVOLUTION as the explanation of human origins?Creationism, you say? As genetic modification relies on natural selection, which in turn is a variable in evolution, if we were taught that there was no evolution, natural selection would not be taught as well, since it inevitably leads to evolution. Without natural selection, we would not be able to understand why some bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, or how to maximize a specific trait in certain organisms. We would, in essence, be primitive.What would change if nobody adhered to, believed in, or taught EVOLUTION as the explanation of human origins?Well, ok, I'll respond on the philosophical level of the question. (I will ignore the real impacts on how the different theories impact our ability to manipulate and control the world and aspects of it).
Creationists believe that god created life and man, placing man at the top of the pyramid. In this way of looking at things, man is unique and special. This perception affects human behavior with regard to other life, by making other life of secondary importance, placed on earth for man to do as he sees fit. The world is here for man.
Evolutionists believe that man developed by accident, really, and thus is absolutely no different from other life in any fundamental way. Man is unique, in the sense that he has aspects and characters that make him unique, but he is not special, not superior in any way of real importance to other life forms. Man definitely has special skills and adaptations that make it possible for the creature to survive and thrive under current environmental conditions, but so do most other living things with respect to their environments.
There is definitely a different attitude toward life and existence that arises when one recognizes that man is not special, and likely not the ultimate life form, a stark contrast to the idea that man is the ultimate product of some third party's creation.
So, there is a real impact on how man behaves that is an effect of his beliefs on how man came to exist in the first place, and thus I disagree with your conjecture.What would change if nobody adhered to, believed in, or taught EVOLUTION as the explanation of human origins?There'd be another Dark Ages with science and knowledge destroyed. Evolution is a vital part of modern science, so if it disappeared, so would modern medicine and all other parts of life in which science is involved. If you had a heart attack, you'd go to a witch doctor, instead of a cardiologist, and your life would end much sooner as a result. Creationism is simply nonsense, so it'd be disastrous for it to win over evolution. That means superstition beats science. That has happened many times in the past. You aren't capable of seeing all of the implications in such a vital matter.What would change if nobody adhered to, believed in, or taught EVOLUTION as the explanation of human origins?You can't teach evolution as the mechanism for human speciation without teaching evolution as the mechanism for the evolution of ALL organisms on earth - and vice versa - there's nothing special about us.
What you're speaking of is %26quot;applied evolution%26quot; and there are many examples. Parts of this field are quite young and exciting - the current and future, evolutionary-based advances in medical science will rival anything we've seen.
%26quot;Evolutionary biology is widely perceived as a discipline with relevance that lies purely in academia. Until recently, that perception was largely true, except for the often neglected role of evolutionary biology in the improvement of agricultural crops and animals. In the past two decades, however, evolutionary biology has assumed a broad relevance extending far outside its original bounds. Phylogenetics, the study of Darwin's theory of descent with modification, is now the foundation of disease tracking and of the identification of species in medical, pharmacological, or conservation settings. It further underlies bioinformatics approaches to the analysis of genomes. Darwin's evolution by natural selection is being used in many contexts, from the design of biotechnology protocols to create new drugs and industrial enzymes, to the avoidance of resistant pests and microbes, to the development of new computer technologies. These examples present opportunities for education of the public and for nontraditional career paths in evolutionary biology. They also provide new research material for people trained in classical approaches.%26quot;
JJ Bull and HA Wichman (2001) Applied Evolution. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics.;cp
%26quot;Natural evolution requires a diversification of genotype, selection pressure favoring a new phenotype, and a linkage of genotype and phenotype. These features have long been broadly applied to accelerate change, explore gene function, and to create useful plants, animals and microbes. For decades, the study of microbial physiology has relied on methods of applied evolution, with all steps from mutagenesis to phenotype characterization conducted with living cells.%26quot;
%26quot;New in vitro methods for the applied evolution of protein structure and function complement conventional cellular and phage-based methods. Strategies employing the direct physical linkage of genotype and phenotype, and the compartmental association of gene and product to select desired properties are discussed, and recent useful applications are described.%26quot;
WJ Dower and LC Mattheakis (2002) In vitro selection as a powerful tool for the applied evolution of proteins and peptides. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology. would change if nobody adhered to, believed in, or taught EVOLUTION as the explanation of human origins?The Whole Argument Concerning Creationism Vs Evolution is not so much about Scientific Evidence as many would have us to believe, Rather it is about Philosophy more so than anything else.
You see, People will refuse to believe in god regardless of what evidence is presented out of sheer Bias and Down right hatred for Theist.
There is a Large and Growing Number of Former Evolutionary Scientist that have seen the deliberate Fabrications in Evolution Science, But you will Not see this on the Main Stream Liberal Media, Most of which is controlled by Atheist Ted Turner, who's agenda is to eliminate any and all Religious influence in this Country and world abroad.
Now I am saying that this is a Conspiracy ? Yes,
Don't be so quick to Dismiss it either, I mean really, One would not be so quick as to dismiss the Kennedy Assassination or the Pearl harbor Conspiracy or even the recent 9/11 Bush Conspiracy involving all of that depending upon what Your Philosophy concerning Life is all about, See ?? here it is again, Philosophy, it's all about that.
I heard it said once that history is written by the Victors.
Well Those in Charge or those who have the Power will Invent whatever they deem necessary to get their way, regardless if it is True or not if it suites their purpose.
But To Answer Your Question, What would Change ?
I can tell you this, Revolution, that is what it's coming to.
If the Atheist and those in Control who supports them Makes Christianity for example Illegal, The More Militant Arm of Christianity will create Thousands of Timothy McVieghs, and tear this Country apart in a massive Revolution.
And if this Country was to Adopt a Theocracy/Monarchy / the same.
People out of hatred and Bias will Claim Their Conspiracy's and have a Revolution, in My Opinion, This Country is heading for it's destruction, and after it happens, it won't matter one way or the other really how it started.