I see way too many people in giant size trucks and SUVs and they ride around aimlessly. I never see these big fancy trucks hauling anything. Why do you need a full size truck with a V8???
I have a ford with a 4 cyl. and I've hauled a 960 pound flat head engine block with a cast iron tranny in the bed! I look in the beds of these giant trucks at wal-mart and the beds are not even scratched and the most I ever see these people carrying is a potted tree and a sack of fertilizer and a few 2x4s
BURN LESS GAS PEOPLE! YOU killed the Gulf just as much as BP did. All the shrimp are dead and we used to eats lots of Gumbo. They made us pull up our crab pots last week to.Why should people on the Gulf Coast change their lifestyles just so YOU can keep driving a gas guzzler?I agree. The day is quickly coming (I'd say it's here but then I live near Tampa) where the drivers of big V-8 vehicles will be seen as not only unpatriotic, but as those who aid and abet the terrorists, which they do! Big hoggish vehicles are one of the reasons that terrorists love America, and the other 5.999 billion people on earth hate Americans!Why should people on the Gulf Coast change their lifestyles just so YOU can keep driving a gas guzzler?What part of FREEDOM don't you understand!
There are people that might say; Why can't you ride a bicycle like I do, you're being wasteful burning fuel in your 4cyl truck and destroying the ozone!Why should people on the Gulf Coast change their lifestyles just so YOU can keep driving a gas guzzler?So we can say YOU are aiding and abetting terrorists by typing this drivel on the plastic keyboard made out of oil, huh?Why should people on the Gulf Coast change their lifestyles just so YOU can keep driving a gas guzzler?Nice rant. Maybe you should stop using your computer since it's made out of oil-based products.Why should people on the Gulf Coast change their lifestyles just so YOU can keep driving a gas guzzler?You should give this same little speech to Al Gore and all of his liberal elite friends that commute to and from their 9 million dollar mansions in limos and jets. Oooooppppps! Kinda forgot about them!Why should people on the Gulf Coast change their lifestyles just so YOU can keep driving a gas guzzler?Why should people in the African diamond mines die so you can give your girlfriend / wife that's going to leave you in 10 yrs some FAT ring ??Why should people on the Gulf Coast change their lifestyles just so YOU can keep driving a gas guzzler?I think it should be highly recommended that you do change your lifestyle, eating shrimp (marine cockroaches) while having a tranny in your bed may seem a good idea where you come from but it is certainly unusual in the civilized world, and BP did not %26quot;kill the gulf%26quot; any more than you did speeding around in your 4 cyl spewing out toxins by the bucketload, if I want to drive a gas guzzler I will do.