Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why is it hard to change our behavior despite despite acknowledging and understanding the problem?

For example,

I tend to be quiet and often avoid meeting new people. Now I know my problem, I want to change it, I have an idea of the underlying cause (childhood abandonment issues) but still I cannot overcome my feelings when in real life.

So, and Ideas on how to change this?Why is it hard to change our behavior despite despite acknowledging and understanding the problem?I love this question.

I'm thinking it's because we're too scared of the consequences becasue we've never experienced the consequences before.

The same as being scared to try something new. Your subconcious doesn't know what could happen.

But once you actually face the facts and get in a reckless mind state, things become easier and easier.

*it's just like getting girls!*

My advice: Just do it. Only then, your brain will realize that it's not that bad. Then you'll start to think differently.Why is it hard to change our behavior despite despite acknowledging and understanding the problem?It's tough, especially when you want to trust someone else.

For me, I actively remember that it's not their fault that I feel abandonment and that I need to let them show me who they are. Can't feel all people are the same.

Your early feelings come from a place of not being normal. Most children are not abandoned so you you need to try to recognize that people aren't coming from the same place (feelings) that you are.

Trust that most people do want to be nice and loving and it feels good when you let them. Until they show you otherwise, feel the love.Why is it hard to change our behavior despite despite acknowledging and understanding the problem?I'm undergoing the same challenge. I've recently acknowledged my inability to ask for the things that i want. Like you, that stems from childhood.

So, during my everyday life when i notice my thoughts i say an affirmation to myself. %26quot;I am deserving of good things, and i allow them into my life.%26quot; also %26quot; It is okay for me to ask for what i want.%26quot;

Slowly but surely saying those affirmations when you feel those old bad habits creeping up will eventuall lead you to break those bad habits.

Edit: Not the same affirmations i use, but some affirmations you can use are: %26quot;I am safe, and all is well%26quot; then %26quot; it is fun and safe to meet new people.%26quot;